Gone with the wind

What is your true desire?

Transition comes with the feeling of pain.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to think it is a terrible thing but it is what it is. No one knows what is going to happen but all we know is that we have to keep working to find it. Pain can be such an uneasy, scary feeling that can cause us to avoid it instead of embrace it.  It is an important feeling to have.  Think about it.  If you did not have that feeling of pain, would you know if something is not right for you?  

As a child, I remembered my body temperature changing from hot to cold and having a deep “knowing” about the environment around me.  Somewhat a daydreamer and always felt different among other people.  There is one thing I do and that is to be optimistic about things in my life. 

Believe me, I was not the one to get everything I wanted in my life.  Emotional support was not afford with my parents and that bothered me so much as a child.  I feel like I had to mother myself.  I do not want to say I do not appreciate my parents.  There is a great relationship with them. When it came to expressing my emotions, it was not tolerated.  They would walk away or tell me go to my room.  The feeling was not right but I just held my emotions inwards and did not speak about it. 

Throughout my teenage to young adulthood, I was trying to discover myself but really exploring whatever was out there for me.  Had to go with the flow only trusting myself.  I did not do things on a day-to-day basis like others and grew more distant about why I was here for the past 3 years.  I did a lot of deep spiritual work within myself.  The pain was real.  I could not ignore it.  Crying and dealing with things I use to avoid in my life. I had to surrender and succumb to these problems.  I must take it one step at a time. 

About July 2019, I was beginning to feel a transformation in myself.  Breaking away from friends that did not serve me anymore.  I had to let them go therefore, I could not remain the same.  So, this is how transformation looks like.  Healing comes with transformation but it comes in layers.  We are always transforming to become the best version of ourselves and that is the beauty of it.  My true desire has always been to help inspire and empower others to become their true self.  I am not sure how that will look like but it is and will continue to happen.  I will trust during this journey and work.

Ways to cope with feelings

I would love to share a quote that sums up about feelings and true desires:

“I suppose it’s not a social norm, and not a manly thing to do- to feel, discuss feelings.  So, that’s what I’m giving the finger to.  Social norms and stuff…what good are social norms, really?  I think all they do is project a limited and harmful image of people.  It thus impedes a broader social acceptance of what someone, or a group of people, might actually be like.”-Jess C Scott

Don’t be afraid to explore and figure out your true desire.  Here are some questions to think about and write them down

  1. What is important to me?
  2. What am I worried about?  If I wasn’t worried, I would ____________
  3. What new activities am I interested to participating in?
  4. What am I passionate about?
  5. What do I like to do for fun?

Once you answer these questions, this may guide you to exploring opportunities that you may have not thought of. We all have something we truly desire to do, why not start and try it out, it may lead to abundance, joy and happiness. Lastly, continue to go with flow as if you are gone with the wind.

29 Comments on “Gone with the wind

  1. Absolutely loved reading this and I can say I relate a lot to what you speak of. Growth can be quite difficult but necessary.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. I agree with the assessment of our feelings and emotions. We also have to question why we are feeling it, because our hearts are not always right. There are times when a change in mindset was the answer.

  3. Growth can be uncomfortable, but it’s what gets us to new places in our lives. I have gone through some tough times myself over the years.

  4. I love this post because it really encourages you to take a step back and start thinking. This is something that I’ve done not all that long ago, and the result was my pet blog! It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do and it was about time to pull the trigger and make it happen!

  5. Thanks for sharing this, feelings can be very hard to deal with. I hate change and this has been a difficult time for many. It is always nice to know we are not alone.

  6. There is no limit of desires, every desire creates many more desires, so the dealing with feelings and desires is a fun. your shared information is good for understanding and dealing with feelings.

  7. So true! Feelings and emotions, even pain, are such an important indicator of our well-being… Such a valuable learning experience, and not something to bottle up and try to forget.

  8. many people in my community are taught not to show their emotions, but it’s not healthy for a person to carry all that weight. I am glad to hear how you have come so far in your journey. This was a great article, I am going to share this with my family. Thank you.

  9. As a financial independence blogger, it’s really important to me to be able to exchange with money, what I can’t buy more of; time.

    Most of my effort goes into how I can acquire more money so I can trade it for my life and my time to really enjoy the things I love doing.

  10. Such a thought-provoking post. Growth and change are both inevitable. Some grow better and quicker than others, while others move a little slower.

  11. Isn’t it an amazing feeling once you start to truly feel like yourself? The shedding of social expectations is like relieving a heavy weight from your shoulders. But the true/raw self is the most beautiful of all.

  12. I’m sorry that you had a tough childhood, but I always try to see the good in things and I think that it’s made you a stronger person who wants to help others in that position. That quote is a new one for me, it speaks volumes

  13. Change and growth are hard. But sometimes they are the best things that happen to us. We need to be on the lookout for ourselves and stop pleasing everyone else. What a wonderful reminder.

  14. Change and transition can be so many different emotions: fear, pain, stress, excitement, joy, anticipation. One thing I have learned over the years that is even more important than evaluating whether my friends are serving me well, is to evaluate myself, whether I am being the friend I should be. Although that certainly doesn’t mean to become a doormat. I filled that position for too many years.

  15. I have always found that I do best taking time to self reflect and really acknowledge my thoughts and feelings. It’s definitely not always easy but it is absolutely worth it!

  16. Love your post. I’m 59 and I know the feeling. Follow your instincts. Move on. Say goodbye to toxic people. You’ll not regret. And don’t be afraid of change and transformation. That’s the beauty of life.

  17. This is a nice post! I can totally relate, don’t regret removing toxic people in your life. They just passed by our lives to teach us who we really need to be with.

  18. I started doing this last year, to put myself first and my feelings first and I have never been this happier. I have finally freed myself from everything that’s weighing me down.

  19. This one really hit home with me, especially in this time of our lives. I have really taken this time to reflect on my relationships in my life. Growth for me is looking around, opening my eyes to who really puts the efforts in friendships and who doesn’t. I am learning to really move forward with the people who desirve my love and attention.