4 Powerful Steps To Get Yourself Out Of Depression

heron, egret, landscape

With powerful conviction, think of yourself sitting alone. Looking around wondering if you are where you want to be. Many can relate to this. It may not feel very good. It is important to be present in that moment and feel this intense pain. This will be the start to your revelation.

Powerful Revelations

About 3 years ago, this is what happened to me. I had this overwhelming feeling of being stuck and lost with the direction in my life. The one thing I knew for sure is that things had to change. Crying, feeling uncomfortable with sadness upon me. It had to come to this.

It was like a dark cloud over my head with no way of coming out. This is where I began to bring light into these feelings (which I will explain later). We are powerful beyond comprehension. There is a past, present and future that we live within our minds. Which one would you like to live in?

As a result, this mindset will be the beginning to your journey and specific indicators will be revealed.

Thinking #Changes

Powerful Indicators

What is preventing your healing?

That is a million dollar question. We all have something inside that we know is not good for us. We want to change but feel it is impossible. As we start revealing our deep, intense feelings, these indicators may lead to understanding and enlightenment.

  • Avoiding Change: We are all going through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes right now. In addition, we are re-evaluating our importance in this life for the first time in history. My advice with this moment is to flow with the changes. If your are avoiding this, write your negative thoughts or pattern in a journal or a piece of paper. Pay attention and write a positive response to it. After all, change is constant so let move flawlessly.

  • Old Beliefs in Yourself: Self-doubt and insecurities are huge factors within changes. The words and thoughts in our minds, result in believing who we are. As much as we think this way, old beliefs in ourselves recur. Shaping a new version of ourselves require deep understand that we must shed away. Identify your belief system and question “why” you feel this way.

  • Fear of Finding Yourself: This sounds crazy but it true. There is always that nudge that feels like it does not belong. In spite of our best efforts, we fall back to old habits. The only person who knows is “you.” In reality, we don’t express ourselves fully to everyone. Be honest with yourself to find strength into knowing that proceeding forward with your true self is worth it.

  • Denying your power: When we have this feeling of joy within us, it cannot be denied. Instead, we conform into social norm that does not fit us. Why is that? You hold the key to this power.
Discovery #Begentletoyourself

Powerful Tips to Transform Yourself through Depression

When I went through my revelation, these tips altered my perspective and insight towards depression:

1. Be in the Moment: I was the type of person who was always thinking about the future. Despite this mindset, slowing down was a great realization. Making a list and completing one task within the day can bring joy and accomplishments for yourself. Nevertheless, stay on course and be present.

2. Write Out Anything that comes to Mind: Writing was not an art that I was interested in, especially during my dark days. People would tell me writing is therapeutic but did not listen. In order to transfer ideas, thoughts from my head, it had to come onto paper. Once I wrote, it was like a weight coming off my shoulder. I encourage everyone who are lost, stuck, or having negative feelings, take a paper. WRITE!!!!

3. Be Cautious of Your Thoughts: In regards to your thoughts, it is important to be self-aware to them. The things we say to ourselves have huge effect on our well-being. If you catch yourself saying something negative to yourself, replace it with a positive one. Subconsciously, you are planting a seed in your mind that will be watered and grow!!!!!

4. Speak to Someone you Trust or Get Help: If you feel as if you have tried everything and it still does not work, please speak to someone. Support is so important. Your feelings are real and should be taken seriously. A trusted friend or person will help guide or navigate conversations, action plans and most of all, a helping hand. Also, professional help such as a Psychologist or support groups that experienced depression may be an option. We all need help sometimes and that is alright.

New Beginnings
Written by Unknown #trueself

What If This Feeling of Depression Comes Back?

In the event that this feeling comes back, we will know how to handle it due to the experience. We are all trying our best to to deal with everyday pressures and expectations from society. Always learning.

Here is a quote to encourage you when that feeling is overwhelming to you:

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.”-August Wilson

Without challenges in our lives, can we grow? We are so powerful and don’t you forget that. Truth lies in our bravery. We are all in this together!!!!

Here I am!!!
Here I Am!!! #Authenticity

15 Comments on “4 Powerful Steps To Get Yourself Out Of Depression

  1. such an honest post.
    knowing what’s triggering your emotions is key for getting out of depression.
    thanks for sharing these steps!

  2. I thing all of us must take care of our mental health. It is equally important as our physical health. Every aspect of our life should be health in order for us to live meaningful and productive life.

  3. I think all of us must take care of our mental health. It is equally important as our physical health. Every aspect of our life should be healthy in order for us to live meaningful and productive life.

  4. I have gone through so much in life, and was changed by my experiences lots of times. At some point it has changed me for the worse, but I am back at a point of balance that has made me understand myself better. Which will lead me to get better and make better choices.

  5. It’s SO important to take care of our mental health. I’ve suffered with severe depression in the past (to the point where I considered taking my own life) and it was just horrible 🙁

    Louise x

  6. I may not fully understand about depression but what I do know is that I am always making myself available for my friends whom I feel is under that state. All I could offer is my time, and try my best to cheer them up.

  7. The best advise i have is to let someone dear know what is going on. A friend of mine has lost a family member to suicide and she didn’t even know the person was depressed. She still blames herself for “not noticing”… It’s not an easy situation for anybody but when people know, a solution can be found. Wish you all my best, lots of love, Sabs

  8. With depression, it’s mostly about keeping your head out of the water, it feels like drowning. But if you manage to do that, step by step it will be netter, even when you relapse seasonally.

  9. I have been fighting depresion since I was 15, I am 34 now. I came to accept that I will always have good and bad periods of my life. I am now on meds and full time therapy since December and I am fine with that. I will not let it beat me.

  10. Depression can lead to far more dangerous outcomes if left unchecked. I always say seek professional help as soon as possible so the underlying issues can be addressed.

  11. Thank you for sharing! These tips for transforming yourself through depression are so helpful. It is easy to feel stuck, lost and hopeless when you are depressed. However, these tips are remind one that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and there is hope if you are willing to implement these tips. I love how you mentioned that if the depression does come back that this time you will know how to handle it because of prior experience and that we are always learning.