
Have you ever felt like you are having an outer body experience?

It is ironic that I am talking about transition (while I am going through this right at this moment).  To be honest, it is a scary place to be.  The routine and things I knew are starting to re-define itself.  You start seeing and feeling things differently as if you are in a dream or something.  I am learning to take it one step at a time.  It can be overwhelming being in unfamiliar territories.  This is where I must surrender and trust that what is happening is for my highest good.  The mind can start becoming defensive to the changes and allow you to be fearful.  Well, sometimes you just have to take a risk and explore the opportunities that are aligned to you.   You may feel tense and have butterflies in your stomach.  That is ok.  Feel the feelings you feel.  They are real and cannot be ignored.  I have been meditating, re-framing my mind with positive thinking and grounding myself (nature, being near trees etc).  We are met to grow and evolve on this journey of ours but it comes with uncertainly and belief.  Love the moment you are in.  Be grateful that you have another day to learn and grow.  You must trust the process.

This quote says it all:

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”-Viktor Frankl

Collect yourself and go through the emotions.  It is important to be gentle with yourself when you going through this and love yourself.  You are enough, you are safe and great things are ahead.

Love the skin you are in because growth means living and living is apart of the human experience.

Creating Boundaries

If you are the type of person who loves to give to others and tends to be overwhelmed and fatigue with yourself, then you may want to read this.

The worst part about giving is that you may be a target of being taken for granted. We live in a society that you have to be weary of those in your circle and environment. I know too well about how this feel. What I have discovered is that I would put others before myself and that is a lesson that I have to shallow. I remember when I was in school, feeling the need to go out of my way help with peoples’ issues. When this happened , my body would just change in temperature and I would become really hot. In addition, my stomach felt achy. Although it is a hard lesson, I have begun to use this lesson to empower others. We all have a reason to be in the world. We all have gifts within ourselves. Sometimes, we have to go what is in our hearts instead of what is in our heads. I am still working on this part of my life but I am growing more aware of boundaries I need to set in my life. You may wonder “Why can’t I say No?” or “Why do I feel guilty when I can’t fix someone’s problem?” This is common to me and others I have encountered.

Steps to think about when creating boundaries:

1. Speak your truth, it is scary but necessary.  You can’t escape how your feel.

2. You are not obligated to be someone’s counselor. You can be a guide for them to solve their problems. Let them figure it out.

3. Being there for someone 24/7. You are obligated to yourself

4. Remaining with friends who emotionally draining you. It may cause long-term effects within yourself and may minimize growth from within.

5. Maintaining negative relationships because you’re been close for so long or you’re related or anything else. Listen to your feeling. It knows.

6. Doing anything that makes you unhappy or puts your health at risk. Your body is the barometer and it can tell you what is good or bad for you. Trust you gut (It is telling you something)

Boundaries are sometimes lessons we have to learn. It is an important piece to the growth process. We are always learning and trying the best we can each day. Allow it to bring grace, love and harmony to your soul.

“I can be changed by what happens to me but I refuse to be reduced by it”-Maya Angelou

What changes do you want to make in your life today?

Listening from Within

Have you ever wonder why we second guess ourselves?

It is mind blogging that we tend to go against ourselves when we can feel something. I know this all too well. The pressures of society can get the best of us. Sometimes feeling like we have to compete or surrender to be like others. One thing that I have learned is that you have to bet on yourself. Forming your own path that is truly yours will make a world of difference. I was always a person that looked towards others to find an answer to my problem. Going through many years of this, I was being to realize that the problem started with me. I was looking outside of myself to fit in. I use to sit in my room, having a tingly feeling like something was not right. I was not inspired and feeling very tired all the time. I was keeping busy so I could distract myself from daily responsibilities. The more I ran away, the more it was weighing on me. Something had to change. I had to say to myself “I AM WORTHY, IT IS MY BIRTHRIGHT.” This is when I started to face things I was not comfortable with having to heal myself from my past choices. Healing is one of the hardest things you can do for yourself but the most rewarding as well.

Tips that can help you through this:

1. Sit in a quiet or comfortable environment and do some deep breathing exercises for about 5 minutes. It will allow you to be more present in the moment.

2. Write 3 positive things that happened each day for you. This can help develop your mind and minimize negative thinking.

3. Express yourself creativity such as writing, music, speaking etc. This is a great outlet for any negative or nervous feelings.

I would like to close with his quote:

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around” -Leo Buscaglia

Now, it is time to listen to your compass and create kindness, honesty and small act of caring towards yourself.

Cancel, Clear, Delete

When I look at my journey through this life, I wonder why we go through what we go through. All the interactions we share among others both challenging and positive. Our experiences shape us.  Our brains give us the perception of life we feel we should live.  I always felt if I continue doing things that were “right” then I would be comfortable and going in the right direction.   Sometimes, negative thoughts would come in my head even when I know I am doing the “right” thing.   My ego is playing tricks on me.  I am beginning to understand that it is normal to have doubts and uncertainly about things I do especially new things.  It is important to keep in mind that it is ok that you have these thoughts but try to not let them take over you. I remember having that feeling when I was around friends and feeling I had to conform with ideas that were not align to mine in my childhood.  It was growing very difficult following others when it was not truly in my heart.  I would usually distance myself and cry.   I knew it did not feel right but I wanted to fit in with others.  What I have begun to realize is that

You can rewrite the script in your life and create whatever you want.  I never liked to write and look at me writing a blog.  Who knew?

Steps on How you can Reframe your Mindset one day at time

  1. If you catch yourself saying something negative or have negative thoughts in your head, do not worry, think of 3 positive words or thoughts about yourself and swipe your hands in order to push the energy away from you and say “Cancel, Clear, Delete.”  This will help undo what was say or thought negatively.
  2. Use “I AM” affirmations such as “I AM WORTHY,” “I AM LOVE,” I AM SHINING BRIGHTLY” etc.  Using “I AM” allows you to already feel as if you are that statement.  You may have a feeling or knowing that it is true to you.
  3. Try meditating or yoga first thing in the morning (5-10 minutes) before starting activities in your day.  This will help you establish a calm, relaxing framework in your mind so that you can take control of your day.

These steps take self-discipline from you but if you are reading this, it is within you and you are ready to bring love, joy and abundance in your life!!!!

Remember, life is a journey, not permanent to your present moment.